Nurture and uproot your health with Kalie Wang and Urban Grow Farms

It’s never too late to start give your health regime an upgrade (and an added bonus of shopping local too!) Originally from China but now a Canadian citizen, Kalie Wang has lived in Sydney in Nova Scotia for almost 10 years now. Her and her husband run Urban Grow Farms which grows and sells microgreens and microgreen grow kits. Ultimately, Urban Grow Farms is on a mission to produce fresh, quality produce for their community with sustainability at the forefront of their actions.


What does Asian Heritage Month mean to you?

Asian Heritage Month holds a special place for Kalie Wang.

“It means my culture is being recognized and celebrated in this diverse country, and that I am welcomed as part of the community. I get to meet many inspiring people with the same background as me, and it helps my children learn about Asian cultures and practice fun customs. Each year, it is inspiring to see so many Asian communities being recognized in different areas for their contribution.”


Why and how did you start your business?

Kalie Wang is looking to help provide fresh produce all year long.

“I had interest in gardening at the time, but the short growing season only allowed me to grow food for a few months in Nova Scotia. So, I was looking for a way to extend the growing season. Microgreens came across in my research. I gave it a try, and I immediately loved these little plants. They are fresh, nutritious to eat, and absolutely beautiful to use as garnishes. I began to bring samples to local restaurants for chefs and business owners to try. On the very first day, I got an order from one of the local restaurants. Soon, it was one after another. Now, we sell fresh produces to many local markets as well as in farmers’ markets. We also offer local home deliveries to help people access healthy food during the COVID-19 pandemic.”


What’s one of your most proudest moments as an entrepreneur?

Kalie Wang shares some of her most valued moments.

“I love that what I do brings people health and joy. One of my proudest moments was when parents were telling me that their kids wouldn’t eat any greens, but after trying our microgreens, they are eating them everyday. There are a lot of other moments that make me feel proud, such as when a customer says how good they feel after incorporating microgreens into their diet, or when an oncologist refers their patient to us to buy our microgreens to help them in their recovery. I am proud of what I can offer to people and how they can benefit from our microgreens.”


What’s one piece of advice that you would give to yourself when you were first starting your business?

See what piece of advice Kalie Wang wants to share.

“I would like to tell my younger self to put yourself out there in the business world. Be more social, attend more events, make more friends, ask more questions, approach more clients—your business is not going to be successful if you are doing it on your own.”


This piece is part of Startup Canada’s wider campaign to celebrate and honour Asian Heritage Month. Find more entrepreneur stories such as Kalie’s in our full list of Asian entrepreneurs who are shaking up Canada.