#StartupChats Recap – Fending Off 2021’s Most Devious New CyberAttacks

On Wednesday, September 29th, we were joined by three great experts to talk about fending off devious cyber attacks in 2021 and beyond.

We were joined by incredible Acronis experts;

Candid Wüest, President of Cyber Protections Research

Topher Tebow, Senior Cybersecurity Researcher

James Slaby, Director of Cyber Protection

What exactly are devious cyberattacks?

A1 Simplified, a cyberattack is a digital assault against computers with the intention of disrupting the business, stealing data, controlling a process, attacking others etc.

typical cyberattacks include phishing emails, ransomware, data theft, DDoS etc. @Acronis #StartupChats

— Acronis (@Acronis) September 29, 2021

What types of attacks should startups be aware of?

A3 The 3 main attacks to prep for as a new business are phishing, ransomware, and use of vulnerabilities in trusted software. This means training employees to spot phishing, implementing ransomware protection and backups, and regularly patching software.@Acronis #StartupChats

— Acronis (@Acronis) September 29, 2021

How can entrepreneurs prepare for an attack and protect themselves?




To learn more about this topic and from these experts, you can view the transcript here.